No matter the situation, investing in better quality materials and construction services is always better as it will prove more efficient in the long run.

Swimming pool construction is no exception to this rule. Here at Puglia pools, people often contact us in search of help with their ‘pool disasters’. These disasters often occur when constructors choose cheaper, less reliable materials during the pool’s construction, resulting in problems such as cracking, leaking, or structural failures.

The pictures below clearly compare different quality materials used in pool construction. The one to the right depicts a reinforced concrete base built by our team, which supports the entire pool structure. This option will keep your pool stable and resistant to damage that can be caused over time. On the other hand, the photo to the left depicts a pool base created with a fragile wired grid that won’t guarantee the pool’s resistance or stability.

What would you rather have supporting your pool, the correct specifications or the cheaper option?

For more information..

Here at Puglia pools, we have over 10 years of experience dealing with pool construction and maintenance. Whether you are looking to start your pool construction journey or require assistance with an already existing pool, contact us today, and we will make your pool dreams a reality. You can also follow us on Facebook to keep up to date with all our latest news.

A pool with metal frame construction is a quick, simple and economic system of pool construction. While many companies will claim to use a “better quality” steel or superior panel design. However, in reality, almost all have the exact specifications. Like most types of pool construction, steel panels have their strengths and weaknesses. It is essential to have some unbiased advice before choosing what type of pool construction you prefer. One significant difference with steel panels is that specific installers will supply plastic-coated panels for increased protection and increased life, as shown in the photo. Others will supply basic zinced panels.

If a company only builds pools using a steel panel system rather of a pool with a metal frame, they will obviously only tell you the positives of steel while giving you the supposed negatives for all the other types. We construct pools using steel panels, Isoblocs, module flex and Rock Pool. We are happy to share as much information about the various types to help you choose.

Contact us for transparent, free impartial advice on your pool construction options. You can also find us on Instagram and Facebook, where you can also have a look at other of our works.

Pool metal frame construction

We can provide you with a temporary pool. The planning process here in Puglia can be slow, due to the long burocracy process. But, there is no reason you can’t have a place to swim while you wait for your dream pool. We can assist you by provideing you with a temporary pool, until our specialist geometra is working to approve your planning application, so you can enjoy your property while you are waiting.

Temporary pool

For more information

When you choose Puglia Pools, you benefit from our over ten years of experience in Pool design, construction, maintenance and refurbishment. If you are interested in temporary pool options available, do not hesitate to contact us. You can also read more on our blog or follow us on Instagram and Facebook for usual updates.

We have received another new contract for this season for Trulli with a private pool. It will need a little work to get it up and running again. The water level suggests the pool is leaking around one of the light units. And an empty skimmer indicates the pipework is also leaking. However, with our fantastic team of pool experts, we will get this Trulli’s private pool with beautiful views back to new.

Trulli with a private pool

For more information

Here at Puglia Pools, we have over ten years of experience in Pool design, construction, maintenance and refurbishment. If you would like to know more about our pool revitalisation process, do not hesitate to contact us. You can also read more about our refurbishment work on our blog or follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

Puglia Pools is now supplying Palintest photometer systems that carries out digital water testing here in Italy. The system utilises two-way Bluetooth communication with smartphones and tablets. The app is an important part of the system, it allows for instantaneous software updates/upgrades, test customisation and mobile sharing of the results by uploading to spreadsheets or via email. Although the app is not necessary for all devices in fact you can read the results directly on the device.

The photometers are waterproof (IP67), It also incorporate a permanent built in sample cell which eliminates loose parts, streamlines the test procedure and improves accuracy.

The app shows a lot of parameters and offers a truly customised experience saving users hundreds of euros.

We are currently in the process of translating the app, instruction manuals and instruction videos into Italian. Although the system is very simple to use and the instructional videos simple to follow in any language.

There are several images that you can go through if you scroll down the page. We post some of the equipment that we currently use for testing water. We constantly upgrade our technologies and move to more precise systems. If you need more information about the photometer or you would like to get one, don’t hesitate to contact us.

for more information…

Here at Puglia Pools, we have over ten years experience in pool construction and maintenance. We always keep up to date with the latest pool maintenance technologies. If you are interested or you need professional help do not hesitate to contact us, you can also follow us on Instagram or Facebook or you can reed the other articles available on our website.

In ditta sono disponibili kit piscine da costruzione per operai autonomi.

Inoltre incluso nel prezzo è presente il tempo impiegato dai nostri ingegneri per l’ installazione delle tubazioni, dell’ illuminazione, dei sistemi di filtraggio e rivestimento.

C’è anche la possibilità di aggiornare il kit appositamente per diversi tipi di rivestimento nonchè di sistemi di igienizzazione e riscaldamento e coperture.

Struttura complete di pannelli d’acciaio, relativi rinforzi laterali, zanche di fissaggio e bulloneria a completamento. Rivestimento interno in liner di PVC. Elencando i compinenti, Il kit piscine è completo di skimmer, bocchette di mandata acqua, filtro, pompa, raccorderia e tubazioni. Quadro elettrico con orologio di programmazione, scala in acciaio a 3 gradini antiscivolo.

Cosa è contenuto nel kit piscine

Struttura completa di pannelli in acciaio, relativi rinforzi laterali, zanche di fissaggio.

Bulloneria a completamento.

Rivestimento interno in membrana di PVC.

Guida in alluminio per aggancio rivestimento.

Il kit piscine è compreso anche di:

Locale tecnico in vetroresina pronto al funzionamento, filtro a sabbia con valvola a sei vie di sfogo, elettropompa monofase con prefiltro, tubi di collegamento , valvole a sfera e raccorderia a completamento.

Kit per tubazioni di collegamento, precisamente raccordi e colla.

Skimmer, in aspirazione alla pompa completo di cestello raccogli impurità, aletta fluttuante, attacco per il troppo pieno.

Bocchette di immissione acqua in piscina.

Quadro elettrico con orologio per programmazione dei tempi di filtrazione della pompa, cavo di collegamento, cavo esterno con spina schuko.

Per maggiori informazioni

Per maggiori informazioni sui kit piscine o per qualunque altro nostro servizio non esitate a contattarci. Puoi trovarci anche sulla nostra pagina Facebook e Instagram dove troverai molti dei nostri lavori e novità sui nostri servizi.

above ground pools
Here at Puglia Pools, we specialise in all types of pool construction and maintenance. We work hard to offer the best service possible to satisfy your requirements. For this reason, we can provide you with several options for your pool construction project. Sometimes the laws do not allow you to build an inground pool but don’t worry; there is always a way to enjoy your holiday home with your family. The best solution, if you can not build an in ground pool, is to look for the perfect above ground pool that suits your property environment and your needs. There are many options available here at Puglia Pools, and we will find you the best option possible, to give you the pool of your dreams.

If you need more information on above ground pools, do not hesitate to contact us, we are also on Facebook and Instagram, where you can find out some of our pool works that could inspire you.

Above ground pool

La temperatura ideale di una piscina variare in base al suo utilizzo. Se ci sono bambini o anziani che utilizzano la piscina, è consigliabile optare per una piscina riscaldata. Per un uso più blando, la temperatura ideale dell’acqua si aggira tra i 26 e i 28 gradi centigradi. Mantenere la soglia di queste temperature può risultare difficile, specialmente nei mesi primaverili ed autunnali. Più ampio risulta il volume dell’acqua più tempo impiegherà la piscina a riscaldarsi. Avere una piscina grande e profonda non è sempre la scelta ideale. Se si intende estendere gli affitti stagionali nei mesi intermedi, una piscina riscaldate risulta più indicata. Le piscine perdono la maggior parte del suo calore attraverso l’evaporazione dell’acqua. Per questo motivo è necessario avere una copertura che aiuti sia a riscaldare la piscina che a trattenerne il calore.


Noi consigliamo due tipi di riscaldamento. I panelli fotovoltaici e gli scambiatori di calore. Diversamente ci sono altre opzioni riguardano caldaie a gas o riscaldamento elettrico a causa del loro consumo però il costo di questi ultimi può risultare elevato. L’unico costo dei pannelli riguarda la loro installazione. Necessitano di un ampio spazio per l’installazione e lavorano al meglio solo in giornate soleggiate. Invece le pompe di calore richiedono spazi di installazione più contenuti ma lavorano indipendentemente dalle condizioni meteo. Tuttavia, bisogna considerare il costo dell’elettricità per il loro regolare funzionamento. Gli ultimissimi inverter per pompe di calore però sono molto più evoluti dei precedenti modelli. La soluzione ideale una piscina calda in maniera costante risiede nell’ utilizzare entrambi i sistemi. in altre parole, quando le giornate saranno più soleggiate i pannelli forniranno energia gratuita invece in condizioni svantaggiose la pompa di calore provvederà al riscaldamento.


In fine, una volta che la piscina è calda la si può mantenere alla temperatura ottimale, basta installare una copertura. C’è una larga gamma di coperture disponibili a seconda della loro funzionalità e del loro costo. La pallinata, aiuta a scaldare e conservare la piscina riscaldata in caso di mal tempo e durante la notte. La copertura stile spugna non aiuta a riscaldare la piscina ma è migliore rispetto alla copertura pallinata nell’isolare la piscina. Le coperture elettriche a tapparella, sono in grado di riscaldare e isolare la piscina per fornire anche una protezione per i bambini. La loro struttura solida può sopportarne il peso.

Si può disporre anche di una protezione solare liquida. Questa viene aggiunta all’acqua della piscina che crea una copertura molecolare impercettibile. In fine questo sistema è in grado di ridurre l’evaporazione dell’acqua che risulta la causa principale della perdita di calore.

Qualunque sia la vostra richiesta, esiste una forma di riscaldamento e mantenimento più incline alle vostre esigenze.

Se hai bisogno di più informazioni non esitare a contattarci. Puoi trovarci anche sulle nostre pagine Facebook e Instagram, dove potrai dare un occhiata a molti dei nostri lavori.

Have you had problems getting planning permission for a pool? Is your property in an area where a permanent pool is not permitted? Is you planning application taking a long time and is still nowhere near being passed?

Under the legislation anyone is permitted to have a seasonal pool for 6 months if it does not require any permanent structural work and is totally dismountable.

We have a range of pool sizes that comply with the regulations and offer a service to construct the pool for you in the spring, dismantle it in the autumn and if you do not have the space then we can store it for you over winter.

There is no reason at all for you not to have a pool at your property so contact us for more information.

As with land, a large garden can end up being costly not only in completion but also for its future maintenance. There are several different issues to take into consideration. Firstly, a large complicated garden will need a lot of maintenance which will not only be costly but will also mean the gardener spends more time at your property while your guests are there enjoying their holidays. Secondly, water usage is a huge issue here which can prove costly especially if you have water delivered by tanker and you have chosen to go for large areas of grass. If the property has its own well then this reduces the cost of the water but these can be very costly to have installed. Unless you have a large budget and aren’t worried about future costs then it may be worth thinking about keeping the gardens to a minimum, around the property itself as well as outdoor seating areas and of course the pool. Use water wise, popular indigenous plants with areas of gravel, wood chip, pebbles and stone, for ground cover to help reduce water usage and reduce maintenance when your guests are using your property.  ​